Abandoned Cars
I’ve been shooting on farms and rural areas for more than 30 years now and have seen dozens of old abandoned cars and trucks sitting in farm fields, sheds, barns and garages; their former glory long gone and now just rusting away. However, it didn’t occur to me until recently that photographing them and starting a collection of images could be really cool and might actually appeal to people. So in late August 2019 I started driving around the countryside photographing old abandoned vehicles and I will post these collections as I complete them. And if you have one sitting on your property, or know someone who does, please let me know!
Abandoned Cars
I’ve been shooting on farms and rural areas for 29 years now and have seen dozens of old abandoned cars and trucks sitting in farm fields, sheds, barns and garages; their former glory long gone and now just rusting away. However, it didn’t occur to me until recently that photographing them and starting a collection of images could be really cool and might actually appeal to people. So in late August 2019 I started driving around the countryside photographing old abandoned vehicles and I will post these collections as I complete them. And if you have one sitting on your property, or know someone who does, please let me know!