I can’t believe it’s already been a year since I worked on the Fujifilm Medical healthcare photography project via Gyro NY and Madison Media Group. This was the opportunity of a lifetime and a project that will likely be the highlight of my career. I’ve been a healthcare photographer here in Minnesota for almost three decades, doing work for numerous healthcare clients, including Mayo Clinic here in Rochester, Minnesota, as well as Jacksonville, FL and Scottsdale, AZ. But a healthcare photography project for a company such as Fujifilm is something that doesn’t come along everyday.
This healthcare photography project took place over 4 days in Newark, NJ, and consisted of more than 100 people on set that included art directors, producers, stylists, set people, wardrobe people, make-up artists, digital techs, grips, Fujifilm technical support, medical consultants, caterers, a large film crew and a few dozen models from New York City. I hired a great crew that included two grips and a digital tech from Manhatton and a second shooter/consultant, John Fedele, from St Louis, MO. Because this was for Fujifilm I was not allowed to work with my usual gear, so rented a Fujifilm GSX50s medium format camera system along with $9k worth of other equipment. Best of all I got to work alongside the likes of Phil Pinto from The Reserve Label and a crew of people who are the best of the best when it comes to film making. It was an amazing experience and resulted in some awesome images. Below are some highlights. You can find more in the Healthcare gallery of my web site.
Rochester, Minnesota, Photographer, Dean Riggott, has specialized in commercial, corporate & editorial photography since 1991. Areas of expertise include agriculture, food, product, hospitality, industrial, healthcare, environmental portraits, education/campus life and Rochester, Minnesota photo stock.

Fujifilm Medical Healthcare Photography

Fujifilm Medical Healthcare Photography

Fujifilm Medical Healthcare Photography

Fujifilm Medical Healthcare Photography

Fujifilm Medical Healthcare Photography

Fujifilm Medical Healthcare Photography

Fujifilm Medical Healthcare Photography

Fujifilm Medical Healthcare Photography

Fujifilm Medical Healthcare Photography

Fujifilm Medical Healthcare Photography

Fujifilm Medical Healthcare Photography