As a longtime Rochester, Minnesota, photographer I have thousands of images available to license in my photo stock library. And I’m continually shooting more and adding to this extensive collection of Rochester, Minnesota, stock photography. Here are a few recent images I now have available. There is a brand new skyline image with some beautiful fall color, a nighttime image of The Half Barrel, a couple from Assisi Heights, Mayo’s Gonda terrace and the new Moka Coffee in The Peace Plaza. If there’s an image you need for a project, such as a website or magazine ad, you can search my stock library by clicking on the below link. And if you can’t find what you’re looking for feel free to call or email and I’ll see if I can help!
Rochester, Minnesota, Photographer, Dean Riggott, has specialized in commercial, corporate & editorial photography since 1991. Areas of expertise include agriculture, food, product, hospitality, industrial, healthcare, environmental portraits, education/campus life and Rochester, Minnesota photo stock.