Being based in Rochester, Minnesota, gives me plenty of opportunities to do agricultural photography. And I have to say that farm life photography is one of my favorite subjects to shoot. I’ve been a commercial photographer here in Minnesota for 30 years now and agricultural photography has always been a staple. It started with my years working as a photojournalist and shooting a few days a week for Agri News in and around southern Minnesota, western Wisconsin and Northern Iowa. I knew very little about farming at the time, and also hated having to photograph it, but it didn’t take long for me to gain an appreciation and interest. Now it’s what I’m most known for along with industrial, healthcare and architectural photography.
This particular project was for one of the world’s largest wind energy companies. They are working on installing a new wind turbine field in Dodge County, Minnesota, and needed some portraits and lifestyle images of two farmers whose land will be part of the project. So I spent a few hours with both Bruce Schmoll and Mike Petefish who farm near Clairmont, Minnesota. Below are a few of my favorites. Enjoy!
Dean Riggott has been a commercial photographer shooting primarily out of Rochester and Minneapolis, Minnesota since 1991. He is available to travel anywhere you need him!

Bruce Schmoll empties a grain bin into a truck on his farm in Claremont, Minnesota.

Bruce Schmoll heads to his combine while harvesting soybeans this fall in southern Minnesota.

Soybeans are emptied into a grain truck on the Schmoll farm in Southeastern Minnesota.

Bruce Schmoll harvest soybeans on his Claremont, Minnesota, farm.

Bruce Schmoll takes a break from harvesting soybeans.